Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Starstreak Missiles in Bow - 'Its Becoming A Saga Now'.

I know that this blog is about strippers and striptease, but I just couldn't help keeping track of the whole Olympic missile affair and its impact on the boroughs politics. Lots of blogs are commenting about this and of course 'East London Lines' are as well, so I thought I would provide you all with a good update of peoples views and thoughts. But first however, I have noted that a number of people have produced photoshopped pictures of what  it would look like of the missiles were actually launched. Most of what I have seen is fairly lame, so this is my attempt below....
The army test the ground to air capability of Starstreak on Lutfurs Merc.......

So what's the latest in the situation....

Well Brian Whelan, the resident that first raised the issue in the media, is apparently being evicted from his home. Clearly this shouldn't be that upsetting to him because he expressed concerns about the age of the soldiers that will be managing the missiles.....

”They look younger than me, and I’m not yet 30″, said Mr Whelan. “Surely you run a test like the real thing? It’s a disgrace.” 

Not really sure what point the soon to be homeless Brian is trying to make here. How old the soldiers look is of no relevance and his comment is essentially ageist. In terms of a test......what did he have in mnd? 

Someone flying an airliner at roof top level over the borough?

Anyway, apparently this is only the beginning of organised resistance as their was another meeting booked on 9th May at St Pauls. Before you get confused, its the St Pauls on St Stephens Road, not the cathedral.

Chris Nineham from the Stop the War Coalition, is another local resident who sees this as a great channel to raise their media profile. He believes that its a class issue and that the 'militarisation' of London represents a 'show of bravado' by Britain's ruling class, not a response to any credible terrorist threat.

Elly Badcock, Limehouse resident and member of the Counter Olympics Network said that the missiles were essentially a message to local working class residents that 'you may live in London, but the games are not for you'. Well a million more tickets are due to be released for sale this week, so Londoners still have a chance to get to the event, but  they'll have to take their chances with the rest of the world, because this is after all a world event...

I don't think that missiles are being used as a social threat statement by the authorities, that said its easy to see how conspiracy twats could fold these views into their arguments. Let's face it, every anti-something group in England are going to find an angle in this story and use it to bolster their campaign profile. 

Actually, Object recently made a statement linking the locations of missiles to the proximity of lap dancing clubs in the borough. In an emotional statement, Object CEO Anna Van Heeswijk said that the missiles 'objectified every women in the East End of London' and noted the fact that the missiles are shaped like penises 'that fly around and kill when they inevitably slip beyond control, just like men do all of the time, like when they fall out of lapdancing clubs and sexually harass women riding past on their bicycles'. Anna argued that the phallic shape of the missiles was 'an explicitly patriachal statement' and demanded that 'weapons of a more inclusive nature' be designed.*

Charlie Dacke of the Solent Feminist Network stated that she has walked past a Rapier Missile Battery and had been subject to a barrage of sexually harassing comments from the soldiers and all of time the batteries commanding officer just looked on laughed.*

Apparently residents of Blackheath have taken a different view of the whole thing, they are looking at having some Rapier Missiles planted right in the middle of the borough and they thinks its cool. Probably because they're so middle class and aren't likely to be hit by any flaming wreckage.

In summary, everyone that wants to be anyone is now on the bandwagon and that's why I why I think the clubs are safe from Tower Hamlets until after the summer at least.

* Actually they didn't say anything like that at all, I just wanted to make you smile...
*  She didn't say that actually, I was just being amusing...

1 comment:

  1. "In summary, everyone that wants to be anyone is now on the bandwagon and that's why I why I think the clubs are safe from Tower Hamlets until after the summer at least."

    In that case, it MUST be a distraction tactic organised by the owners of the 11(?) strip clubs in Tower Hamlets, to divert the attention of residents from the ex-ploi-ta-tion of wo-myn going on in the borough... ;-)
